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Application Process
A person interested in becoming a member of the Mountaineer Kennel Club is required to attend two club meetings or help at two club events prior to submitting an application to the Membership Committee chair.
A personal check or cash must accompany the completed application for annual dues (see schedule below). This is non-refundable.
Role of the Sponsor
Any candidate who has been convicted of animal abuse, or is deemed a puppy mill operator or who has expressed nonadherence to either AKC or MKC policy should not be brought to the membership for acceptance.
The sponsors of each applicant will be specifically requested to attend the meeting when the membership vote is held. To receive the clearest picture of the applicant, the sponsors will be responsible for sharing any personal knowledge they have of this prospective member during a general discussion prior to the vote. At the meeting, the general membership will be allowed to ask questions of the sponsors and members of the Membership Committee about the intentions and qualifications of the applicant. If insufficient information is available and a motion is not made to vote the application is tabled until a future time when more members are familiar with the applicant.
Membership Vote
When the committee has determined that the application is valid and the 2 participation requirements have been verified, information about this prospective member as provided on the application will be published in the newsletter. After which, the applicant will be voted on at a regular meeting by the general membership.
The prospective member will be asked not to attend this meeting, although the sponsors will be encouraged to attend.
The vote will be conducted by paper ballots and will require a 2/3rds majority of the members present to pass.
If rejected, the applicant ma reapply after six months.
The prospective member is notified by email or regular mail as to the result of the vote.
Honorary membership
The membership committee may recommend bestowing an Honorary Membership (where all future annual dues are waived) to a fellow club member.. This person must have been a member of good standing with the club for over 25 years and one who has contributed extensive time and energy by serving on the board of directors or holding office or acting as chair of one of the major committees. This appointment must be approved by the Board of Directors.
Annual Dues
Annual dues are $25 per regular member and $15 for a junior member. Junior members are those under the age of 18 at the time of application. Membership dues are due on January 1st of each calendar year. Dues for new regular members paid between August 1st - October 31st will be 12.50 and junior members, $7.50.
Membership will be considered lapsed if dues remain unpaid by January 30. A new application must be submitted in this case.
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